Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Round 7

I knew this baby
would get me noticed.
I've had more attention
in the past six months than I
did in my entire life.

I was grounded most of it.

I know Danielle will continue
to bring me notice. If I could
just get her out of me so I
can sleep. That would be swell.
And, they tell me that won't happen.

I won't sleep again for years.

At least Danielle and I will
have each other. It is hard to say
where Eddie ran off to.
We had such a good time when
we were together. Too bad

it was just that one time.


Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

At first, I wanted to say that the first and last parts were most powerful to me but looking at it again as a whole I think I hear the voice of a young girl who, perhaps, speaks as such. I've tried to write this type of piece, so unlike my style, and I couldn't get any response.

I'm going back for another look.

sorry I haven't been around much lately.

~ James

August 07, 2006 10:16 AM  

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