Saturday, May 13, 2006

These Halls

These halls echo in their emptiness
and reverberate all the pain
and suffering witnessed over the years.
What was once a magnificent place
of hope, courage, and strength
is reduced to rubble that stands
ready to meet its own demise
much in the way many patients did.

With all new and improved things,
the old becomes negelected.
People don't need both; they need
only the best and the brightest.
These walls no longer contain either.
With one final sweep
through the corridors, I say goodbye
to that all-too-familiar feeling.

Tomorrow, this building with all
of its memories, will exist no more.
The wrecking crew will cart away
the remaining souls with each brick
and beam torn rudely from its
resting place. Each memory
will be buried with the dust
as the past disappears.


Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

I love this one, Vickie!

~ James

August 14, 2006 9:12 AM  
Blogger Vickie said...

Thank you, hon.

August 14, 2006 1:52 PM  

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