Saturday, August 13, 2005

Teenage Years

I met him years ago
at the rink. It almost
did not happen; she
would not skate with him--
that left me.

Funny how things work out--
her loss, my gain.

The next day, he rode
through my neighborhood
and found me walking home
from tutoring. We talked
until his dinner bell rang.

I was late getting home--
he was, too.

Over time, we get together
and break up again. Always,
we'd gravitate back. We did
my sweet sixteen and Homecoming.
And, we'd break up again.

I think our time apart
was meant to be.

He came to say goodbye
when he was being shipped
overseas. I wasn't seeing
him then, but I saw him any way.
And, he left my life again.

He parked outside my house
late one night, Mom saw him.

I called and wrote, but too late.
He'd gone back to California.
Please forward my messages.
Someone heard me and did.
He came home for me.

We've been together
ever since.


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